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Steering Committee

Communities at the Heart of UHC steering committee for 2023-2024 is Amref Health Africa, Financing Alliance for Health, the Health and Rights Education Programme, Lwala Community Alliance, Living Goods, Muso, TIP Global Health, Pathfinder International, and the People’s Health Movement of Tanzania. We want to thank our founding steering committee members who will be leaving including Last Mile Health, International Rescue Committee, and AMP Health. We congratulate you all on your hard work and leadership over the past two years.


Communities at the Heart of UHC is looking forward to 2021 to work together to further our campaign goals and elevate the visibility of community health within the UHC space. Our new steering committee is excited to get started and several members have shared with us why community health and UHC are important to them:


Health and Rights Education Programme

“A functional and strong  community health system is critical in  the delivery of primary health care in meeting the universal health coverage (UHC) goals as committed by  countries at United Nations  Assembly in 2019.”


Lwala Community Alliance

"The Kenya Constitution 2010 gives every citizen the right to the highest attainable standard of health.  However, for a majority of people, access to quality healthcare is a mirage.  Community health plays a crucial role in realizing this right. Community health places a health worker within the reach of everyone, making health an everyday life experience rather than something you seek  only when you are sick. Community health makes UHC a reality for a vast majority in poor settings."


Muso Health

"Most of the world’s health care happens too late. Community health workers - when they are equipped and supported by the larger health system to reach patients early - build trust with communities, remove geographic and financial barriers to care, and cure delay. They are leaders in the march towards universal, quality health care"


Pathfinder International

“Strong community health systems play a critical role in accelerating Universal Health Coverage, because it is inclusive of every community including the poorest and hardest to reach areas.” 


People’s Health Movement of Tanzania

“Community health is essential for pandemic preparedness remains critical for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, and is the most efficient and equitable way to achieve UHC.''

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